Monday, September 30, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues in Childcare Essay

PART A: TERM PAPER QUESTIONS & ANSWERS – LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN CHILDCARE 1)Record the relevant government agency that deals with child protection in your state – South Australia. The South Australia Department for Families and Communities (DFC) is responsible for child protection among other things. (COAG) Families SA runs the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478. The Report Line is the focal point where all child protection concerns are to be reported. There are three teams in operation during these times. 1)The standard Child Abuse Report Line team is made up of social workers. For the sake of integrity all mandatory notifications are reviewed on the day by senior social workers. 2)Aboriginal Family Practitioners man the Yaitya Tirramangkotti Line. 3)A special team was created called DART (The Diversionary Assessment Response Team) to provide help to notifiers to assess whether their concern needs to be reported. It also refers people to other resources they can use to assist the child and their family. 2)A] What are the legal requirements for ‘Mandatory Reporting’ in South Australia for staff working in a children’s service? B] Who is legally obligated to make a notification when they have grounds to believe that a child is at risk of harm? A] The legal requirements for â€Å"Mandatory Reporting’ in South Australia are that if a person reasonably suspects that a child has previously been, or is still being abused or neglected from observations during the course of their work (whether paid or voluntary) or in the process of carrying out their official duties, then the person must notify the Department of that suspicion as soon as possible after they suspect abuse is occurring. B] As outlined under the Children’s Protection Act 1993 – S.A., the people legally obligated to make a notification when they have grounds to believe that a child is at risk of harm are: (a) a medical practitioner; (b) a pharmacist; (c) a registered or enrolled nurse; (d) a dentist; (e) a psychologist; (f) a police officer; (g) a community corrections officer (an officer or employee of an administrative unit of the Public Service whose duties include the supervision of young or adult offenders in the community); (h) a social worker; (i) a minister of religion; (j) a person who is an employee of, or volunteer in, an organisation formed for religious or spiritual purposes; (k) a teacher in an educational institution (including a kindergarten); (l) an approved family day care provider; (m) any other person who is an employee of, or volunteer in, a Government department, agency or instrumentality, or a local government or non-government organisation, that provides health, welfare, education, sporting or recreational, child care or residential services wholly or partly for children, being a person who—(i) is engaged in the actual delivery of those services to children; or (ii) holds a management position in the relevant organisation the duties of which include direct responsibility for, or direct supervision of, the provision of those services to children. It is important to remember that under the law you are only mandated within your professional context. In relation to your experiences after hours you have no mandate to report, however you may consider that you have an ethical duty to do so (DECD). 3) List the relevant policies and procedures from your service relating to child protection and responding to children at risk of harm. At our centre we have access to physical copies (or via the intranet) of various policies and procedures relating to child protection and responding to children at risk of harm. These policies may come from several sources, namely International, National, State, GoodStart or they may be specific to our centre: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CROC – 1990) Early Childhood Development Steering Committee, National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care, Council of Australian Governments, (COAG) (December 2009), specifically Quality Area 2 – Children’s Health and Safety, incorporating 2.3.4 â€Å"Action is taken to respond to every child at risk of abuse and or neglect†. Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (2012) Responding to Children and Young People’s Disclosures of Abuse (September 2011) National Child Protection Clearing House – Practice Brief Early Childhood Australia – Code of Ethics Children’s Protection Act 1993 S.A. Children’s Protection Regulations (2006) GoodStart Early Learning Policy Number CO-3 Child Protection and Risk Management (November 2010). GoodStart Early Learning Strategy Number CO-3.1 Child Protection and Risk Management Strategy (June 2009). GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3.2 Reporting of Harm or Suspected Harm (Mandatory Reporting) (July 2008 reviewed April 2012). GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3.3 Maintaining Working with Children Check and Police Clearance (October 2009) Critical Incident Management Policy Confidentiality Policy 4)Referring to the relevant policy and procedure relating to ‘responding to children at risk of harm’, complete the following tasks: a)Summarise the definition of ‘harm’ as per the relevant policy. A child is at risk of ‘harm’ if the circumstances that are causing concern for the safety, or wellbeing of the child are significant. The significance can result from a single act (e.g. leaving a child unattended in a car while dashing into the shops or on a hot day) or omission (e.g. no safety seat in car, or not fastening the seatbelt or child restraint) or an accumulation of these acts. This means the concern is sufficiently serious to warrant a response by a statutory authority such as the Police or Families and Community Services even if the family does not consent to intervention. The incident must not be minor or trivial; it must be seen to be capable of producing a substantial and obvious impact on the child’s safety or wellbeing. This definition of ‘harm’ will include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect or domestic violence and will also include an unborn baby if the acts could affect the baby after birth, e.g. drug or alcohol addiction. b)Outline the processes for managing a child who  discloses information about being abused or neglected or harmed. †¢Listen carefully to the child and assure them that you believe them †¢Allow them to talk but discourage them from sharing this with too many people †¢Do not show alarm, shock, judgement or doubt †¢Do not ask leading questions or seek to elicit further information †¢Do not make them feel inadequate or guilty †¢Stay calm and reassure the child †¢Do not make promises to the child that everything will be all right etc. †¢Reassure the child they have done the right thing by telling you †¢Then let them know in a calm manner that you need to tell someone else who can help them †¢Tell them this person will make sure they are safe †¢Stay close to them to provide a feeling of security †¢The child has a right to confidentiality so do not disclose this information to anyone but the relevant authorities †¢As soon as possible document the conversation you had with the child as accurately as possible †¢If the child has questions and you do not have the answers tell them so – it is ok not to know all the answers just because you are an adult c)Outline the process to follow for reporting a child at risk as per the relevant policy and procedure. †¢As soon after the disclosure as practicable contact the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478 †¢CIT must also be contacted prior to, or immediately after the above report on 1800997372 Additional support will then be provided such as: †¢Once CIT has been contacted they can support the staff member to make the mandatory report or make it on the staff member’s behalf †¢Where applicable CIT is to inform the CIO to ensure appropriate response and investigation †¢CIT will maintain all documentation such as a record of conversations, instructions and information etc. REFERENCES Early Childhood Development Steering Committee, National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care, Council of Australian Governments, (COAG) (December 2009). GoodStart Training College Module 2 Legal and Ethical Guidelines Training Booklet (October, 2012).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Humans vs. Animals on Life and Death

The Death of the Moth by Virginia Woolf described how a life of a moth could be so fragile that like humans and other animals do, the moth also struggled to fight death. She compared how the moth lived its life compared to humans and other animals as well. That even if the moth seems nothing and worthless, its resistance to death is evident. In other words, the significance of death is not only limited to human beings. Animals may not think like humans do, but they are also living and gives effort to live life to the fullest. Animals may not live life like us human beings, but like us, they also have a purpose in living.I believe that all human beings are artists because their lives are creative productions. The basic materials of each person’s artistry are many and varied, for they depend on each person’s uniqueness. One’s basic materials, however, not only include the elements of life, nit also those of death with all its various ramifications, as books, articl es, symposia and discussions open people’s context of death awareness, the question must be asked how much an awareness can help human beings create beautiful lives. This brings us to this question, is the moth aware of its upcoming death. Life and death to all living things is apparent.How long would it take is unknown. When the body dies, there is nothing that remains that can survive. This is a belief that prevents any solution to existential vicissitudes being projected to another life. It asks of each human being the courage to face life’s problems in the here and now, the courage to supply necessary answers and remedies. Happiness is one’s own making not in any heaven â€Å"above the bright blue sky† (to use the words of an old hymn for children). Only God knows the answer to the problems of innocent suffering and that rewards are in heaven for those who tow the party line are seen as an evasion of facing life itself.We must then, I should say, enjo y and value our lives the happiest as we can make it. As Woolf’s story went on, when she sees the moth is turned on its back, she reaches out a pencil to turn it over again, but then she lays the pencil down. This is the realization that even if we try helping other people to fight for life, they already made their own battle against it so we just have to leave it as it is. Woolf obviously tackled the resemblance between the moth’s struggles and the human condition in facing life. We may see it different at large, but with the little and worthless moth’s death, it was very perceptible.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

He himself also suffers from OPTS, and has chapters about his thoughts, feelings, and family intervention when he was writing his memoir. â€Å"Speaking of Courage,† tells the story of another member of Tim O'Brien platoon, Norman Booker, following his return to his hometown In Iowa. Booker feels responsible for the death of Kiowa, who literally drowned In human excrement during a firefight when the platoon was encamped in what turned out to be a field of sewage. Frozen in panic, Booker could not bring himself to move and pull the wounded Kiowa out of the stinking sewage.Now, back in Iowa, he simply drives In circles around town, feeling aimless and out of place. ‘How to Tell a True War Story Is a collection of small stones Interspersed with instructions about â€Å"true† war stories. The narrator tells the story of his friend Rat Killed, who writes a letter to the sister of his buddy who had been killed a week earlier. It is a long, heartfelt letter. He waits for two months for a reply to the letter, but the sister never writes back. The story then shifts to commentary. A true war story Is never moral† (O'Brien 65) the narrator Instructs. These two stories contain read examples of different symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, in a way that can further explain them to the reader. The Vietnam War was fought by an ideology against an Ideology, and ultimately solved very little while hurting so many. OPTS is a mental Illness that Is cause by a traumatic event that has happened In ones life and can be easily triggered by a daily activity. Pony close evaluation, Tim O'Brien collection, The Things They Carried, explores the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in relation to Vietnam, since characters possess prone to angry outburst, elapse, and suicidal tendencies. The tragic events that are witnessed during the war in â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story' can cause immediate cases of anger outbursts. Anger is said to be a cover for other emotions such as fear or hurt, and can also be a way of pushing people away in order to protect oneself. However, tendencies for sudden outbursts of anger are Like a manifestation of hyper-vigilance and fear of loss of control.In â€Å"How to Tell a True War Story,† Rat Killed looses his best friend, Curt Lemon, after being blown up while playing a game of catch. This has caused some sadness and anger to build up inside him. Later that day, the troops come across a baby buffalo that the end up bringing with them to s deserted village. After the failed attempt of Rat trying to feed the baby buffalo, â€Å"he stepped back and shot it through the right front knee. It went down hard, 1 OFF to hurt†¦ There wasn't a great deal of pity for the baby water buffalo. Curt Lemon was dead† (O'Brien 75).In the article â€Å"Anger, Hostility, and OPTS,† written by Roth and Wielded, they say that â€Å"as a consequence, hostility causes an increase frequency of anger and aggression. Thus, anger and hostility may reciprocally activate each other and motivate the individual to aggressive behavior against others†(699). Rat Killed tortures a baby water buffalo because he cannot sit with his emotions about Curt Lemon's death. Skills method of abuse to this animal was very strategic due to the way he stepped back; shot the buffalo in the ear and then the right knee.The shots were not random, but were very specific and thought through. What O'Brien meant by not wanting to kill the animal, but to hurt it, was that the pain that Killed was leaning he wanted to see someone else feel it to. Rotor's thought of reciprocal activity is shown through Skills obsession of seeing this living thing suffer, Just as he was suffering from the loss of his dear friend. Skills angry outburst was Just the start of his OPTS that was caused from this traumatic event that he had witnessed, since anger can motivate to lash out with aggressive behavior.While one ca n reduce the severe-news of OPTS, there's always a possibility for a relapse, which is the case for Norman Booker in â€Å"Speaking of Courage. † In the case of OPTS, relapse is the worsening of symptoms or the recurrence of unhealthy behaviors. As a way of marking time, Norman Booker repeatedly drives a loop around the local lake remembering old girlfriends, hoping one day to track down high-school buddies who have moved to Des Monies or Sioux, and how he would explain Kiosk's death in the field.When Booker was in â€Å"high school, at night, he had driven around and around it with Sally Kramer†¦ Or other times with friends, talking about urgent matters†¦ Then, there had not been war†(O'Brien 132). Booker came home to find hat Sally was married, his friends were gone, and his father was at home watching TV. He made it seem like it wasn't a problem, but that was when he went â€Å"he took [his dad's] Chevy on another seven-mile turn around the lake (O'Brien 133). According to John H.Attainment, author of Twentieth Century Literature, Norman Bookers' â€Å"aimless circling works then to demonstrate his inability to settle back into the routine of the world and exemplifies the psychological distance between his former and present selves† (108). O'Brien shows Booker's relapse by circling the lake before ND after the war, as the relapse is encapsulated by his trip around the lake back in high school with Sally and doing it again after the war, with out her this time.Booker aimlessly circling the lake shows that he is unable to break free from its pull, since lake triggers a relapse by his inability to settle back into civilization. Booker portrays Attainment's psychological distancing when he talks about the time before the war. So, the fact that Norman Booker circles the same lake as he did before the war, and constantly is thinking about what he has lost from being at war, shows that Booker is experiencing a relapse as a side effe ct of his OPTS. Thoughts of suicide are a major symptom of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and are explored in the short story â€Å"Speaking of Courage†.War Veterans experience so much when in combat that their lives can hardly ever be normal and having to adjust to being back home can be a struggle. Booker had two friend, Max and Kiowa, both who which drowned in lakes, which had a major impact on Booker. Norman Booker a time he got out, walked down to the beach, and waded into the lake without undressing. The water felt warm against his skin. He put his head under. He opened his lips, very slightly, for the taste, then he stood up and folded his arms and watch the 148).In an interview with Tim O'Brien, he mentions that this story â€Å"came from a letter [he] received from a guy name Norman Booker, a real guy, who committed suicide after [he] received his letter. He was talking to [O'Brien] in his letter about how he Just couldn't adjust to coming home. It wasn't bad memori es; it was that he couldn't talk to any about it (Unapparent 7). That was when O'Brien followed that story with the essay â€Å"Notes,† to inform that â€Å"three years later hanged myself in the locker room of a YMCA in his hometown of Iowa† (O'Brien 149).In â€Å"Speaking of Courage†, Booker didn't go into the lake to watch the fireworks; instead it was a mere thought of suicide, indicated by how Norman was fully dressed, submerging his entire body under water, and opening his mouth. Folding of his arms may hint that Booker is content with ending his life the way his buddies did. O'Brien point on Booker not being able to adjust to coming home, and attempt of suicide could have been a foreshadow of his actual suicide that happen a few years later.Booker was suffering many symptoms of OPTS, but it is evident that his suicidal thoughts had taken what was left of him, as it does to many war veterans. Angry outbursts, relapse, and suicidal thoughts are only a few o f the Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms that are discussed through out Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried, but they are not the only ones that these characters possess. Norman Booker and Rat Killed are two characters that suffer from OPTS. Booker experiences relapse and suicidal thoughts as his symptoms; where as, Killed suffers from angry outburst.O'Brien is a credible source for authenticating what fines a true story due to the fact he was part of the Vietnam war and he also suffers from OPTS. From the research gathered about OPTS symptoms, it is clear over the struggles that some go through dealing with this disorder. OPTS is a fracture' in your experience of life, caused by a traumatic event. You and no one else cause this fracture in your mind because it is response for attempting to cope with what happened. But unfortunately, it's an ill-informed response. So the next time a song is on repeat in your mind, Just imagine it's a repeat of your most horrific memories. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a very serious psychological disorder many ordinary people can develop. It causes large scale depression and can severely damage relationships and lives. Its main causes are from a person experiencing or witnessing an event involving death or serious injury. A person’s response to the trauma usually involves fear, helplessness or horror. In children evidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be exhibited in disorganized or agitated behaviors.One of the most common side effects of PTSD in adults is the recurring thoughts, images and perceptions about the specific trauma they endured. Consistent, frightening dreams of the event are also signs of developing PTSD. For children, they may also experience frightening dreams but with unrecognizable content they might not understand too well. Adults can also exhibit signs by acting as if they were reliving the events over and over again. Another sign of PTSD is the avoidance of thoughts, feelings and conversations with others about what happened, and the restricted range of affections and emotions exhibited by the individual.Many people feel like they are unable to have loving feelings and can have a sense of a foreshortened future where they can’t picture themselves having a career, marriage, children or even a normal life span. In most cases, the symptoms of PTSD begin to surface around 3 months after the specific event, but can be seen or experienced earlier as well. The symptoms generally tend to stay around for not too long of a time but for some people it can become chronic and never go away for as long as they live. Victims can begin to feel detached from society and estranged by their peers and others, as if they were all alone with no one there for them.Victims can also have difficulties concentrating, become hyper vigilant, which means a person has an increased state of anxiety and is constantly scanning their surrounding s for threats, and exaggerated startled responses which is a side effect of all the anxiety they’re putting their minds through. Along with high states of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, extreme irritability, outbursts of anger for non-important reasons and severe depression are seen in many PTSD patients. Symptoms have been known to be worse when the trauma experienced is from intentional human actions rather than something like a natural disaster.Also, when something involves mass casualties like war, someone who survives can experience something known as survivor’s guilt where they feel guilty for getting through it meanwhile they lost loved ones and friends. The most vivid, disturbing way to experience PTSD is through a flashback. A flashback is when a person has recurring images flash before him when looking at normal things and cause the victim to be transported back to where the trauma took place and even begin to make the person feel, see, and smell the things he might’ve on that day or time period.This is especially common with war veterans like Vietnam War veterans. Vietnam War veterans can and have been known to be upset by war movies, hot humid weather, and even Asian cooking as it brings them back to the times when they were overseas and where they lost a lot of friends. PTSD has always been closely tied to the history of human warfare, not just the Vietnam War. PTSD is also known to soldiers and veterans as soldier’s heart, combat neurosis, and battle fatigue, meaning a soldier can lose their will to live and fight and just want to give up.Combat veterans who have witnessed or committed violent acts are more likely to develop PTSD. The men who liberated the Nazi war camps in the 1940’s could have been Severely distressed by the things they saw were being done to people. And through to today in the prisons the United States has where they keep war criminals and suspected terrorists like Abu Ghraib. Soldiers who wer e stationed there had seen some horrific things done to people, and those images could stick with them for a very long time.However, it was not until after the Vietnam War that PTSD became a well-known and serious mental health condition and captured the interest of doctors and psychiatrists. A study done on Vietnam War veterans showed that at least 1. 7 million veterans had experienced a serious case of PTSD when their tour was over or after the war. The attention received by the Vietnam War veterans also helped shed a light onto victims of other wars and events and allowed the still living Holocaust survivors to seek help if they wished.Another study showed that 55% of women were victims of a violent crime and that one in four of these women suffered from PTSD. It can affect everyone for an unlimited amount of reason ranging from natural disasters like a hurricane or earthquake to something more recent like the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Many civilians who escaped New York City that day saw and experienced some of the worst things imaginable, and one of the largest groups of people who suffered from that event was the members of the FDNY, NYPD, and PAPD.With the FDNY losing 343 firemen, the NYPD losing 23 police officers and the PAPD losing 7 officers, the first responders to the World Trade Center suffered heavy casualties. A lot of people lost fellow brothers and sisters going into the buildings attempting to save innocent civilians and lost their lives. A horrific event like 9/11 affects a larger amount of people and hits them harder than other things due to the severity, lives lost, and pointlessness of the attack. People who already may have underlying or prior mental health problems are more likely to develop PTSD.Genetics also play a role in making some people susceptible to PTSD and two people who are experiencing the same trauma can have two different outcomes. One person might be able to get through it and the other might be completely mentally exhausted and suffer the worst of the symptoms. People may not even know they have PTSD until the death of a close friend or relative or a divorce or something life changing brings them to an emotional low and can make them recall what they may have gone through.PTSD is a serious mental condition that affects more people than anyone might know. Some people are good at hiding feelings while others are not. Sadly some sufferers resort to using heavy quantities of alcohol and tranquilizers to numb their pain and make them able to cope with the disturbing recollections, nightmares and sleep problems and sadly many end up dependent on the drugs they’re using. PTSD can also lead to suicide if the victim experiences sever amounts of survivor’s guilt or feels as if they can’t take it anymore. Works Cited: . Vrana, Scott. â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. † Salem Health Psychology & Mental Health. First edition. Editor: Nancy Piotrowski. Volume 4 Pas adena, CA: Salem Press, 2010. Print. 2. Miller, Allen, â€Å"Living With Anxiety Disorders† New York, Facts on File, 2008. Print 3. Jan Fawcett, â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder† The Encyclopedia of Mental Health Ada Kahn. First Edition. Volume 1 New York. Facts on File. 1993. Print. 4. nymag. com/news/articles/wtc/1year/numbers, New York Magazine, 11 September 2011. Web. 20 November 2011 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a very serious psychological disorder many ordinary people can develop. It causes large scale depression and can severely damage relationships and lives. Its main causes are from a person experiencing or witnessing an event involving death or serious injury. A person’s response to the trauma usually involves fear, helplessness or horror. In children evidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be exhibited in disorganized or agitated behaviors.One of the most common side effects of PTSD in adults is the recurring thoughts, images and perceptions about the specific trauma they endured. Consistent, frightening dreams of the event are also signs of developing PTSD. For children, they may also experience frightening dreams but with unrecognizable content they might not understand too well. Adults can also exhibit signs by acting as if they were reliving the events over and over again. Another sign of PTSD is the avoidance of thoughts, feelings and conversations with others about what happened, and the restricted range of affections and emotions exhibited by the individual.Many people feel like they are unable to have loving feelings and can have a sense of a foreshortened future where they can’t picture themselves having a career, marriage, children or even a normal life span. In most cases, the symptoms of PTSD begin to surface around 3 months after the specific event, but can be seen or experienced earlier as well. The symptoms generally tend to stay around for not too long of a time but for some people it can become chronic and never go away for as long as they live. Victims can begin to feel detached from society and estranged by their peers and others, as if they were all alone with no one there for them.Victims can also have difficulties concentrating, become hyper vigilant, which means a person has an increased state of anxiety and is constantly scanning their surrounding s for threats, and exaggerated startled responses which is a side effect of all the anxiety they’re putting their minds through. Along with high states of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, extreme irritability, outbursts of anger for non-important reasons and severe depression are seen in many PTSD patients. Symptoms have been known to be worse when the trauma experienced is from intentional human actions rather than something like a natural disaster.Also, when something involves mass casualties like war, someone who survives can experience something known as survivor’s guilt where they feel guilty for getting through it meanwhile they lost loved ones and friends. The most vivid, disturbing way to experience PTSD is through a flashback. A flashback is when a person has recurring images flash before him when looking at normal things and cause the victim to be transported back to where the trauma took place and even begin to make the person feel, see, and smell the things he might’ve on that day or time period.This is especially common with war veterans like Vietnam War veterans. Vietnam War veterans can and have been known to be upset by war movies, hot humid weather, and even Asian cooking as it brings them back to the times when they were overseas and where they lost a lot of friends. PTSD has always been closely tied to the history of human warfare, not just the Vietnam War. PTSD is also known to soldiers and veterans as soldier’s heart, combat neurosis, and battle fatigue, meaning a soldier can lose their will to live and fight and just want to give up.Combat veterans who have witnessed or committed violent acts are more likely to develop PTSD. The men who liberated the Nazi war camps in the 1940’s could have been Severely distressed by the things they saw were being done to people. And through to today in the prisons the United States has where they keep war criminals and suspected terrorists like Abu Ghraib. Soldiers who wer e stationed there had seen some horrific things done to people, and those images could stick with them for a very long time.However, it was not until after the Vietnam War that PTSD became a well-known and serious mental health condition and captured the interest of doctors and psychiatrists. A study done on Vietnam War veterans showed that at least 1. 7 million veterans had experienced a serious case of PTSD when their tour was over or after the war. The attention received by the Vietnam War veterans also helped shed a light onto victims of other wars and events and allowed the still living Holocaust survivors to seek help if they wished.Another study showed that 55% of women were victims of a violent crime and that one in four of these women suffered from PTSD. It can affect everyone for an unlimited amount of reason ranging from natural disasters like a hurricane or earthquake to something more recent like the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Many civilians who escaped New York City that day saw and experienced some of the worst things imaginable, and one of the largest groups of people who suffered from that event was the members of the FDNY, NYPD, and PAPD.With the FDNY losing 343 firemen, the NYPD losing 23 police officers and the PAPD losing 7 officers, the first responders to the World Trade Center suffered heavy casualties. A lot of people lost fellow brothers and sisters going into the buildings attempting to save innocent civilians and lost their lives. A horrific event like 9/11 affects a larger amount of people and hits them harder than other things due to the severity, lives lost, and pointlessness of the attack. People who already may have underlying or prior mental health problems are more likely to develop PTSD.Genetics also play a role in making some people susceptible to PTSD and two people who are experiencing the same trauma can have two different outcomes. One person might be able to get through it and the other might be completely mentally exhausted and suffer the worst of the symptoms. People may not even know they have PTSD until the death of a close friend or relative or a divorce or something life changing brings them to an emotional low and can make them recall what they may have gone through.PTSD is a serious mental condition that affects more people than anyone might know. Some people are good at hiding feelings while others are not. Sadly some sufferers resort to using heavy quantities of alcohol and tranquilizers to numb their pain and make them able to cope with the disturbing recollections, nightmares and sleep problems and sadly many end up dependent on the drugs they’re using. PTSD can also lead to suicide if the victim experiences sever amounts of survivor’s guilt or feels as if they can’t take it anymore. Works Cited: . Vrana, Scott. â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. † Salem Health Psychology & Mental Health. First edition. Editor: Nancy Piotrowski. Volume 4 Pas adena, CA: Salem Press, 2010. Print. 2. Miller, Allen, â€Å"Living With Anxiety Disorders† New York, Facts on File, 2008. Print 3. Jan Fawcett, â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder† The Encyclopedia of Mental Health Ada Kahn. First Edition. Volume 1 New York. Facts on File. 1993. Print. 4. nymag. com/news/articles/wtc/1year/numbers, New York Magazine, 11 September 2011. Web. 20 November 2011 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a very serious psychological disorder many ordinary people can develop. It causes large scale depression and can severely damage relationships and lives. Its main causes are from a person experiencing or witnessing an event involving death or serious injury. A person’s response to the trauma usually involves fear, helplessness or horror. In children evidence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be exhibited in disorganized or agitated behaviors.One of the most common side effects of PTSD in adults is the recurring thoughts, images and perceptions about the specific trauma they endured. Consistent, frightening dreams of the event are also signs of developing PTSD. For children, they may also experience frightening dreams but with unrecognizable content they might not understand too well. Adults can also exhibit signs by acting as if they were reliving the events over and over again. Another sign of PTSD is the avoidance of thoughts, feelings and conversations with others about what happened, and the restricted range of affections and emotions exhibited by the individual.Many people feel like they are unable to have loving feelings and can have a sense of a foreshortened future where they can’t picture themselves having a career, marriage, children or even a normal life span. In most cases, the symptoms of PTSD begin to surface around 3 months after the specific event, but can be seen or experienced earlier as well. The symptoms generally tend to stay around for not too long of a time but for some people it can become chronic and never go away for as long as they live. Victims can begin to feel detached from society and estranged by their peers and others, as if they were all alone with no one there for them.Victims can also have difficulties concentrating, become hyper vigilant, which means a person has an increased state of anxiety and is constantly scanning their surrounding s for threats, and exaggerated startled responses which is a side effect of all the anxiety they’re putting their minds through. Along with high states of anxiety, difficulty sleeping, extreme irritability, outbursts of anger for non-important reasons and severe depression are seen in many PTSD patients. Symptoms have been known to be worse when the trauma experienced is from intentional human actions rather than something like a natural disaster.Also, when something involves mass casualties like war, someone who survives can experience something known as survivor’s guilt where they feel guilty for getting through it meanwhile they lost loved ones and friends. The most vivid, disturbing way to experience PTSD is through a flashback. A flashback is when a person has recurring images flash before him when looking at normal things and cause the victim to be transported back to where the trauma took place and even begin to make the person feel, see, and smell the things he might’ve on that day or time period.This is especially common with war veterans like Vietnam War veterans. Vietnam War veterans can and have been known to be upset by war movies, hot humid weather, and even Asian cooking as it brings them back to the times when they were overseas and where they lost a lot of friends. PTSD has always been closely tied to the history of human warfare, not just the Vietnam War. PTSD is also known to soldiers and veterans as soldier’s heart, combat neurosis, and battle fatigue, meaning a soldier can lose their will to live and fight and just want to give up.Combat veterans who have witnessed or committed violent acts are more likely to develop PTSD. The men who liberated the Nazi war camps in the 1940’s could have been Severely distressed by the things they saw were being done to people. And through to today in the prisons the United States has where they keep war criminals and suspected terrorists like Abu Ghraib. Soldiers who wer e stationed there had seen some horrific things done to people, and those images could stick with them for a very long time.However, it was not until after the Vietnam War that PTSD became a well-known and serious mental health condition and captured the interest of doctors and psychiatrists. A study done on Vietnam War veterans showed that at least 1. 7 million veterans had experienced a serious case of PTSD when their tour was over or after the war. The attention received by the Vietnam War veterans also helped shed a light onto victims of other wars and events and allowed the still living Holocaust survivors to seek help if they wished.Another study showed that 55% of women were victims of a violent crime and that one in four of these women suffered from PTSD. It can affect everyone for an unlimited amount of reason ranging from natural disasters like a hurricane or earthquake to something more recent like the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Many civilians who escaped New York City that day saw and experienced some of the worst things imaginable, and one of the largest groups of people who suffered from that event was the members of the FDNY, NYPD, and PAPD.With the FDNY losing 343 firemen, the NYPD losing 23 police officers and the PAPD losing 7 officers, the first responders to the World Trade Center suffered heavy casualties. A lot of people lost fellow brothers and sisters going into the buildings attempting to save innocent civilians and lost their lives. A horrific event like 9/11 affects a larger amount of people and hits them harder than other things due to the severity, lives lost, and pointlessness of the attack. People who already may have underlying or prior mental health problems are more likely to develop PTSD.Genetics also play a role in making some people susceptible to PTSD and two people who are experiencing the same trauma can have two different outcomes. One person might be able to get through it and the other might be completely mentally exhausted and suffer the worst of the symptoms. People may not even know they have PTSD until the death of a close friend or relative or a divorce or something life changing brings them to an emotional low and can make them recall what they may have gone through.PTSD is a serious mental condition that affects more people than anyone might know. Some people are good at hiding feelings while others are not. Sadly some sufferers resort to using heavy quantities of alcohol and tranquilizers to numb their pain and make them able to cope with the disturbing recollections, nightmares and sleep problems and sadly many end up dependent on the drugs they’re using. PTSD can also lead to suicide if the victim experiences sever amounts of survivor’s guilt or feels as if they can’t take it anymore. Works Cited: . Vrana, Scott. â€Å"Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. † Salem Health Psychology & Mental Health. First edition. Editor: Nancy Piotrowski. Volume 4 Pas adena, CA: Salem Press, 2010. Print. 2. Miller, Allen, â€Å"Living With Anxiety Disorders† New York, Facts on File, 2008. Print 3. Jan Fawcett, â€Å"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder† The Encyclopedia of Mental Health Ada Kahn. First Edition. Volume 1 New York. Facts on File. 1993. Print. 4. nymag. com/news/articles/wtc/1year/numbers, New York Magazine, 11 September 2011. Web. 20 November 2011

Friday, September 27, 2019

Should organisations always try to hire employees with high levels of Essay

Should organisations always try to hire employees with high levels of Agreeableness - Essay Example In a real work environment, employees have unique character traits that in one way of the other influence teamwork, cooperation, innovation and problem solving abilities that affect their adaptation to the work environment. Management of organizational behaviour has identified five giant characters that including openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (OCEAN), all which contribute to the development of the organization. However, they have recognized that all these characters have their dark and light side to the organization. Agreeableness, just like any other organizational behaviour, has its positive and negative sides to the firm. All in all, organizations should strive to obtain employees with the highest level of agreeableness. Agreeableness is a trait that has generated mixed reactions among many organizational behaviour analysts with some expressing a high regard for it and other pin pointing the weaknesses of this trait. Slocum and Hellriegel l defined agreeableness as the virtue of an employee to be warm, tactful, cooperative, tolerable and humble and portraying minimal coldness and rudeness1. In the general, these traits are advantageous to an organization although at times they are accompanied by elements that may be consequential to organizations. 1D., Hellriegel, and W. Slocum, Organizational Behaviour. Mason, OH, South-Western Cengage Learning. 2009. P. 45 The advocates of this trait argue that agreeableness is the source of harmony, peace, excellent team work, accommodating leadership and loyalty in a business system. On the other hand, critics have criticized this trait on the ground that employees with these traits show weakness in exercising confidence, criticizing wrong organization behaviour and conflict resolution in times that demand critical decision making. Teamwork is one of the valuable elements of an organization that binds employees to the collective goals and objectives of an organization that define its end task. Team work ensures that employees remain cohesive and cooperative during the project implementation process to execute all the designated roles. An agreeable person is friendly, sociable and warm while associating with their colleagues in the organization2. Consequently, an agreeable person will find it easy to get along with the other employees and will form part of a concrete team that will ensure a smooth progress of the business operations, hence the success of the organization. For instance, an agreeable person will avoid conflicts that arise during the period of work preferring peaceful situations rather than aggravating the conflicting. Conflicts are sources of tensions in the workplace, which slows the progress of the work and misaligns the employees from the organizational goals. From this point of view, the ability of management to select agreeable employees will form part of the role of team building. In leadership, agreeable people create a conducive work e nvironment that motivates employees to remain active and focussed in their duties in the organization. Competent leaders have a role to maintain a peaceful working environment by engaging employees in a constructive exchange of ideas. 2A., Neal, G., Yeo, A. Koy, T. and Xiao. Predicting the Form and Direction of Work Role Performance from the Big 5 Model of Personality Traits. Journal or Organizational Behaviour, vol. 33 , 2012. Pp. 175-192 Agreeable persons will encourage employees to contribute and raise their concerns more

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Role of the YOT Social Worker Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Role of the YOT Social Worker - Essay Example As the paper outlines the majority of young offenders commit crimes not because of their cruelty or genetics, but rather because they do not see another option to survive or feel societal pressure from peers and family. This paper examines the legal rights of young people, analyze the differences between police and social services functions and discuss the possible balance between the two institutions on the example of Jordan family. As it clear from the situation in Jordan family, the mother is not capable to satisfy the basic needs of her children who are left on their own and can decide what to do without asking the permission. Taking into account that the daughters are old enough to understand that their actions are wrong, the social worker’s help and assistance is vital – social worker should find the method to explain girls the wrongness of their actions . The son aged 8 is not capable to understand the seriousness of his participation in thefts and his physical, emotional and educational needs are not met. He is at risk of suffering harm and the intrusion of social worker might have effect on the child of any change in circumstances.   As it is clear from the study, all of the three children have not attended the school, at least at the day they were caught stealing at the mall. Most likely, it is not the first time they do not go to school. Under section 36 of the Children Act 1989, every child of compulsory school age should be properly educated. Joanne, Claire and Sammy are neglecting this right and their parents are not controlling the attendance to school.  

Random drug testing at school Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Random drug testing at school - Research Paper Example 827). Based on a study that Ringwalt and colleagues had done in 2005 but reported only in 2008, a substantial proportion of schools in the United States are implementing random drug testing. As early as 2005, author Neil McKeganey has observed that random drug-testing has been not only practiced but also widely-developed not only within the United States but also within the United Kingdom (12). ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF DRUG-TESTING. Based on the work of James-Burdumy and colleagues, random drug-testing at schools is being promoted because it can reduce student substance abuse in three ways (xviii). First, it is a deterrent because if students are sufficiently aware of ongoing random tests, the random tests will lead them to eventually stop using drugs or abusing substances. Second, by detecting substance abuse, mandatory and random drug testing can identify users for appropriate treatment or counseling. Finally or third, the random drug testing can have spillover effects on non-users. Reducing drug use or substance abuse is important because negative consequences can result from drug use such as low academic performance, bad habits and risky sexual behaviors (James-Burdumy and Colleagues xvii). COUNTERARGUMENTS. We use the key arguments revealed by researchers Kern and her colleagues, working for the American Civil Liberties Union and the Drug Policy Alliance, on why some educators are saying no on the issue of random drug testing at schools in the United States. In summary, some educators are reported to be saying no to random drug testing because it is ineffective, costly, other methods are more reliable, and because drug testing can lead to other types of problems. The authors raised 8 points on why some educators are saying no to drug testing (Kern et al. 2). First, they say that drug testing is ineffective anyway. Second, drug testing is costly and there more effective

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Third Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Third Journal - Essay Example beginning to end; rather it involves several core procedures that must be monitored and engaged with in order for an effective result to be effected. For instance, we learned that initiation, planning, monitoring and controlling and closing were all core processes that were involved in effective project management. Interestingly, we also learned that effective project management could not defined by the nuts and bolts of leadership or management; instead, the PowerPoint slides revealed the need to step away from the daily grind of ceaseless meeting notes, appointments, and email; as a function of stepping back and seeing the big picture of what is being worked on and how the best result could be achieved. Likewise, a similar learning contributor that took place during this section of the course is with regard to the benefit of learning project management in the hands on application of project management that was presented within the assignment. Ultimately, the students were able to e ffectively engage project management in terms of the way in which workflow should be defined and which tasks should be given priority first. Another essential elements of the understanding that was created was with respect to the fact that not only with the project manager need the input and agreement of stakeholders beneath him/her, he/she would also need the engagement, resources, and understanding of executive above him/her. With this in mind, the project manager is not being in determinant of any project. Instead, he/she is ultimately responsible for reporting the project and gaining further traction on it based upon the input of higher executives. Finally, the information that was presented within this particular unit was contingent upon â€Å"bringing it all together†. Within such an understanding, useful resources with respect to project management were delivered and the student was able to have a broad overview of the way in which different determinants that have been

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Medicinal and Recreation Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medicinal and Recreation Marijuana - Essay Example Texas is one of those states of United States that considers use of marijuana as highly negative for the society. Due to this, Texas has implemented quite stringent laws in order to restrict the use, sale and purchase of marijuana in the region of Texas. In the state of Texas, severe penalties are levied on those who possess even a small quantity of marijuana. As per the laws of Texas, possessing a quantity of marijuana that is even less than 2 ounces can result in imprisonment for a period of 6 months or less and a fine of $2000 has to be paid by those who possess it (Findlaw, 2015). In case of possession of more than two ounces or even owning substances such as hash oil is considered as a severe criminal act. Those who possess such substances are imprisoned for a period of more than 2 years. Texas believes in the rehabilitation of those who are conducting marijuana related offences for the first time. Therefore, it does not imprison first time abusers and requires them to attend re habilitation programs to be treated. Other than possession, the sale of marijuana or cannabis is even treated quite severely. An individual who is caught selling only 25% of an ounce of marijuana in the state of Texas is regarded as a criminal and is imprisoned for half a year along with a penalty of $2000 (Findlaw, 2015). In case an individual or a group is involved in the sale of over 50 pounds of marijuana is considered as a major criminal and can be sentenced for a period of more than 99 years. Texas even does not allow the sale of the drug to those who are considered as minor by the state of Texas and may imprison them for a period of 20 or more years (Findlaw, 2015). In the state of Texas, marijuana is considered less beneficial for the health of the consumers and therefore the physicians are disallowed to prescribe these drugs for

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Concept of Bureaucracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Concept of Bureaucracy - Essay Example These symptoms characterize the conduct disorder. Cartier’s mother sent him to a treatment home for the troubled children when he was seven years old (Stillman 62). At sixteen years, Cartier’s father took care of him after receiving care in several state-supported treatment institutions. Cartier joined a dangerous gang after dropping out of school where he recorded numerous criminal charges throughout Massachusetts. His relationships with women matched his violent and deviant conduct he displayed to the society. Before Cartier dated Lardner, he had a relationship with Ryan Rose, which turned violent when it began (Stillman 65). Cartier turned mentally and physically abusive and violent to Ryan and regularly threatened her safety on many instances. After terminating their relationship, Ryan sought a restraint order against Cartier who was on probation at the time (Stillman 67). Cartier’s probation officer directed a warrant for his immediate apprehension. Cartier would serve a prison sentence of a year and three months soon after his arrest but served only six months. Cartier continued pestering Ryan while in the penitentiary and continued transgressing the restraining order. On his release, the Essex County administrators further apprehended him for a previous transgression of his probation, but they gave him a shortened sentence. The relationship between Cartier and Lardner matched that of him with Ryan. Kristin sought for protection from the police force and the criminal justice entity (Stillman 64). Kristin’s safety was under constant jeopardy brought about by poor bureaucratic decisions from multiple agencies. Such bureaucracies failed through utilizing their own standardized practice procedures. The case study for how Kristin died reveals several core decisions that bureaucracies such as public administrators and street-level bureaucrats made and that contributed to Kristin’s

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Past Present and Future Essay Example for Free

Past Present and Future Essay The University of Phoenix program has enhanced my personal, educational and professional growth and has changed my life for the good. Introduction This essay reflects on my personal, educational and professional growth through the program of study that I had taken at the University of Phoenix. it discusses my past my present and my future life that has changed positively due to the degree that I received at the University and throws light on the benefits that I have received through this program and how it has helped me achieve my goals and ambitions. A) Part One: Reflect upon where you were in your personal and professional life when you started the University of Phoenix program. When I started at the University of Phoenix I was a mother of two which is the most challenging and demanding job and along with that I was working two jobs. I was working as a hospital manager looking over the entire clerical staff at a hospital for over14 years and was recently promoted to a higher position due to my knowledge and experience. I believe my hard work and dedication to my work that has paid off. I believe in one thing with great conviction that dreams only come true for people who truly believe in them. I believe if you dream of something and truly follow it, you can surely achieve it. I have faith in this because I believed and followed my dreams and was able to achieve them, so you should ever give up and try as much as you can, as many times as you can cause one day your wishes will come true. 1) How did you feel about the role of learning and its importance to your personal growth and development? For any individual to succeed in this competitive world, education is a must and the more and more you learn, the better it is for you and your career. I realized that my field, that is management, is an evolving field with more and more research being done in it and newer methods and evaluations being carried out to help make your management skills better; therefore I decided to join the program at The University of Phoenix. I wanted to gain more knowledge so that I can inculcate my knowledge in my personality and be able to excel in my field by being able to help my work place and the people I work with, which require great interpersonal skills. 2) What was your level of professional competence in problem solving, written and oral communication skills, information retrieval and utilization, and collaboration? My knowledge and experience was good enough for me to handle two jobs and that too in the management area. I think these skills are quite necessary to survive at your workplace, whether you are at the management level or just an employee who is lower in the hierarchy. I think problem solving, written and oral communication is very important when you are working with a lot of people and I believe   my skills were good enough as I have survived in my jobs for fourteen years now and I believe I’m a people person. I believe I am someone who can make people work together and be able to utilize resources be it human or other to their best and can retrieve any kind of information, whenever needed, from anyone. It was never a much of a problem for me. 3) What were your career goals? â€Å"There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning.† Christopher Morley My career goals have always been the same, to excel and go higher up the management hierarchy and be able to go and work on higher levels of management. To achieve this I wanted to learn and educate myself even more because I believe it is very important for people, to be able to compete with other people, and beat the competition. My career goals are full of determination and passion for success. I believe if you have set career goals you can achieve them because you carry them out with conviction. My career goal is to higher and higher the management ladder and I’m determined to do so. B) Part Two: Evaluate the growth you experienced during your University of Phoenix program of study. Evaluate how your courses and experiences in your University of Phoenix program have contributed to your growth, problem solving, written and oral communication skills, information retrieval and utilization, and collaboration. The courses that I took were quite informative and interesting and I think they were truly adding to my knowledge about my field. I think that they were good for developing both knowledge and skills. I think that my basic skills such as written and oral communication skills have improved a lot with the increase interaction with my peers and the kind of learning subjects these were. My experience in the University and especially, the people who are a part of it, really helped build up my interpersonal skills. I am better able to understand how to be around people and how to manage the people around, how important it is to please and be pleased at the same time. I believe that buy taking these courses, I have increased my skills and I have developed an ability to complete all the work that I have been given and to be able to finish all tasks on time. I have learned better management skills and have become more efficient with the aspect of management. I was able to complete all subjects and I am certain that each subject had added something to my knowledge and experience. 2) Identify the two general education courses and the two core courses taken during your program of study that had the greatest impact on your current or potential employment. Explain why you selected these courses and how they have impacted your personal and/or work life positively. Be specific.   The two general courses during my program of studies that really added something to my knowledge and, were the subjects I believed that had the greatest impact on my current field of employment were Res 320 and Math courses. the reason why these I felt were important was because I believed they enhanced my ability to complete my budgets and maintain costs in the organization I was working in. it increased my knowledge about cost maintenance and helped me find ways to reduce man hours and how to comply with this reduction.   These factors are very important in the field of management and I felt that these two general courses added the most to these areas of management. The two Core Courses that I feel have had the most impact on my current of future employment prospects are Culture Diversity and Fundamentals of Management. These two subjects have enabled me to build over the experience and knowledge I already had. It allowed me to further strengthen certain points of my prior knowledge or helped me eradicate or alter certain perceptions or believes I had that were hampering my prospects of growing in the field. These subjects allowed me understand that different people have different perspectives and in order to succeed you need to accept and respects this diversity of ideas and thoughts. it enhanced my critical thinking and reasoning skills and also strengthen my ability to take sound and clear decisions, be assertive and positive when making important decisions. Over all the entire program has helped me gain more experience and expertise, however, these courses have added the most   to my knowledge and have bettered my potential to succeed and go higher in my field. 3) Recommend any changes or accommodations that would have enhanced or improved your University of Phoenix experience. Explain how your recommendations will enhance or improve the program for future students. Although my experience overall was quite interesting and rewarding I believe that if certain things such as   the team concept existed the learning environment could have been better and teamwork would have been able to increase our knowledge and practical experience a bit more. I am the sort of person who enjoys working in teams as it helps gain a better understanding of the actual situation. I also believe that working in groups or teams enables people to be more tolerant towards one another and helps them be patient and respectful towards others, this way they also enhance their management skills. Although there was collaborative work, I just wished that there would be more accountability according to the team members. I just wished that some team members would be held more accountable for not completing their work on time and responsibilities were evenly spread. Other than that I think there was nothing that I thought was missing with the program. With the team members being he ld more accountable for their actions and responsibilities, the program would have been better in terms of people management. C) Part Three: Analyze the impact of completing the University of Phoenix bachelors program on your current and future professional goals? After completing the program, I was promoted to a higher paying position, and was able to make way for me to go up the hierarchical ladder. The program helped me gain more knowledge and experience, which is what I needed to get a break through. 1) Now that you have completed your program of study, how do you feel about the role of lifelong learning and its importance to your personal growth and development? After completing this program I feel excellent and extremely satisfied. This program of study has given me the break that I deserved and has changed my life positively.   It has allowed me to fulfill my dream to go higher in my field. I have been promoted to the post of Director over a hospital and I was promoted because of the knowledge and experience that I gained during this program at the University. Now I hope to mentor other students and professionals and I wish to go back to school and give to others and impart all the knowledge that I have so that I can help other people struggling to achieve their dreams and giving them a chance and a way to fulfill them. What are your personal, professional, and educational goals for the next five years? My Educational goal is to obtain my Master Degree after my Bachelors and my professional goal is to teach at University of Phoenix. At personal level my goal is to basically coach and mentor others in achieving their management degree so that they can get the experience that I got with my degree and they too can become whatever they want in their field and get the right knowledge and guidance that one needs for applying to such programs. a) What programs will you attend? I would like to attend Toastmaster, so that I can become a better speaker. b) What skills or competencies will you continue to develop? I would like to develop my communication skills and management skills because these are the two most important skills in the field of management and I need these skills sharp and effective in order to stay on top. c) What professional organization(s) have you or will you join? I would like to work for the Southern Institute and to assist them with their billing system for the hospital industries to make the hospital billing more effective. d) What conferences or workshops will you attend? I will attend the Collection seminars to mentor and coach my staff on collecting copy and deductibles from patients prior to services at a hospital. e) What additional degrees might you pursue? Like I mentioned, I would like to pursue my education and maybe get a Masters degree in management or a Doctorate. This is all to increase my experience and sharpen my skills to achieve greater heights in my field. Conclusion I believe that everyone who dreams big should follow them and should get the right direction and the make the right decision so that they able to materialize what they envision and are able to succeed in life. I was able to achieve my goals and dreams by getting the degree at the University of Phoenix and I believe that if you dream it with conviction, you can achieve anything.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History of US and Chinas Relationship

History of US and Chinas Relationship Li Luo Patricia Fillipi The Inquiry Project Nixon’s visit to China Introduction Have you ever tried to live your life without â€Å"Made in China†? Well, for most people this thought is absolutely crazy. However, one woman in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, wanted to find out. In 2005, she and her family pledged to spend one year without buying anything from China (Adams). The result could be both a success and failure: they went through the whole year without buying any products made in China, but this experiment completely turned a daily life upside down. They had to spend much more time and money to find substitute products. For some of the goods, they simply couldnt find a non-Chinese alternative one, which made their life even tougher (Adams). This experiment clearly proves the close relationship, especially in the field of economic and trade, between the United States and China. But how did this relationship establish? Well, it all started with Nixon’s visit to China in 1972. After the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union had been involved in a deep geopolitical conflict known as the Cold War. The United States’ main allies were Western Europe and Japan, while the Soviet Union dominated Eastern Europe and had supported the Communist China. To counter the threat from the Soviet Union, the U.S. had conducted the anti-Communist foreign policy towards the Eastern Bloc, including China. The deep confrontation between mainland China and the United States continued for 20 years. However, by the late 1960s the international situation was beginning to change regardless of these antagonisms. After the death of Stalin in 1953, â€Å"Soviet Communism and the Chinese version began to diverge,† (Gordon) and a crack developed in Sino-Soviet relations. As border fighting broke out between Chinese and Soviet troops in 1969, the alliance between China and the Soviet Union completely collapsed. China found itself against its old ally and still being isolated from the Western world by the American policy of containment. At the same time, the United States government began to rethink their impractical foreign strategy in Asia. As the president, Nixon hoped to gain the support of China to put pressure on North Vietnam to negotiate an end to the Vietnam War. He also sought, through China, to put pressure on Soviet to reconcile the conflicts and thus put America in the vantage in relations with the two communist powers (Gordon). In 1971, National Security Advisor and future Secretary of State Henry Kissinger took two trips to China – the first made in secret – to consult with Premier Zhou Enlai. After all these preparations, Nixon finally embarked on his trip to China in 1972. Over the course of this visit, the two governments negotiated the Shanghai Communiquà ©, an important step toward improving relations between the United States and the China after many years of hostility. Nixons visit to China in 1972 was a very important event in U.S.-China history. It was the first time a United States president had visited the People’s Republic of China. This trip ended over two decades of estrangement and confrontation between these two countries and marked the normalization of U.S.-China relations.This trip altered the relations with Soviet Union and the balance of the Cold War, kept the world peace and laid the groundwork for the future development of U.S.-China relations. Furthermore, this event greatly changed the American’s perception of China as well as their lifestyle. Body Impact on the U.S.-Soviet relations and the Cold War The relationship between the United States and Soviet Union was the most important relation before the disintegration of USSR. During the Cold War, the hostility among these two countries and their allies shaped the main character of international environment, both nations devoted themselves to promote economic and political ideologies and competed for international influence along these lines. Two decades after the Second World War, Soviet-American tension had become a way of life. However, between the late 1960s and the late 1970s, there was a thawing of the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. As the nuclear arms race was incredibly expensive, and both nations faced domestic economic difficulties as a result of the huge expense on military research, both sides became in accommodations to create a more stable and predictable international systems (â€Å"Dà ©tente†). Actually Nixon’s visit to China also helped inaugurate the period of dà ©tente. By the early 1970s, the relationship between the Soviet Union and China showed signs of strain. Nixon decided to use the conflict to shift the balance of power towards the West in the Cold War. If the United States improved its relationship with China, the Soviets would have no choice but to cooperate with the U.S., or risk being isolated from both east and west. Clearly, the Soviet Union chose the first option. â€Å"With both sides willing to explore accommodation, the early 1970s saw a general warming of relations that was conducive to progress in arms control talks† (â€Å"Dà ©tente†). In practical terms, dà ©tente led to formal agreements on arms control and the security of Europe. In May 1972, just three months after the trip to China, Nixon visited Moscow, two governments signed the Antiballistic Missile Treaty during the first round of Strategic Arms Limitations Talks, which set limits on the production and deployment of ballistic missiles and antiballistic missiles (â€Å"Treaty†). In 1975, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe met and produced the Helsinki Final Act, which recognized political borders, established military confidence building measures, created opportunities for trade and cultural exchange, and promoted human rights (â€Å"Conference†). In the late 1970s, the relationship between United States and Soviet Union went down again due to their difference visions at dà ©tente, but a series of positive treaties achieved during this time eased the tension between East and West, and avoided conflicts or wars among both si de. (â€Å"Dà ©tente†). Impact on the U.S-China relations â€Å"This was the week that changed the world, as what we have said in that Communique is not nearly as important as what we will do in the years ahead to build a bridge across 16,000 miles and 22 years of hostilities which have divided us in the past. And what we have said today is that we shall build that bridge.† -Richard Nixon, February, 1972, in Shanghai Diplomatic estrangement between the United States and China went back to the 1940s. After the Chinese civil war ended in 1949, the Communists established the People’s Republic of China on the Chinese mainland while soldiers and officials of the defeated Republic of China fled to Taiwan. For the 30 years that followed, the United States continued to recognize the Republic of China as the only legitimate government of the entire country (Gordon). Since then, the Taiwan issue became one of the main obstacle that lies between the United States and China. A mutually acceptable accommodation on the Taiwan issue was indispensable for the U.S.-China rapprochement. When Nixon visited Communist China in 1972, the two governments issued the Shanghai Communiquà ©. In this Communiquà ©, the People’s Republic of China affirmed that Taiwan was a part of China, and that it opposed all attempts to create two Chinas. The United States declared that it â€Å"acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain that there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China,† and that it did not challenge that position (â€Å"Joint†). The United States also noted the importance of finding a peaceful resolution to the Taiwan issue and that it intended to withdraw remaining U.S. troops from Taiwan (â€Å"Joint†). Despite persistent differences over Taiwan, the Communiquà © indicated that the two sides, had agreed to subordinate the issue to the pursuit of common interests. The principles established in the Shanghai Communiquà © laid the foundation for future cooperation between the two countries even while acknowledging continuing disagreements on the subject of Taiwan, and provided the basis for the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1979. Impact on the domestic society in the United States James Smith, a businessman dealing with apparel trade, has lived a life that probably would have been much different if Nixon hadnt made his historic visit to China in 1972. As He recalled the path America and China have taken to arrive at todays close ties. â€Å"When I was young, all I learned from school and media was that China had a huge population. Their people were so poor, they relied on bicycles in the city and primitive plows in the country,† James told our reporter (Torry). â€Å"I knew there was a conflict between the United States and China.† Back in the 1950s and 1960s, China was commonly known as Red China, or Communist China, among Americans. However, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, relations between China, the United States, and the Soviet Union changed. Ideological divergences between China and the Soviet Union and tensions along the Sino-Russian border, led China and the United States to consider the strategic value of the normalization between two countries. In 1971, a breaking news was broadcasted by the U.S. media: the American table tennis team was invited to visit Beijing. This event opened the door to friendly contacts between the people of the two countries and it brought to the vast changes in popular opinion – with a majority of Americans came to favor the recognition of the People’s Republic of China for the first time as well as P. R. China’s entry into the United Nations (Kusnitz, 135). The Ping-Pong diplomacy marked a thaw in Sino-U.S. relations that lay the foundation of President Nixons visit the following year. On February 21, 1972, Air Force One landed in Beijing, President Richard Nixon, accompanied by a large delegation of officials and journalists, showed his citizen that he was a bold leader by being the first U.S. president to meet with Chinese officers in more than twenty years. Indeed, Nixons China visit, which was shown on TV and featured on the cover of virtually every newspaper and magazines in the U.S., created tremendous repercussions among American society (â€Å"Knocking†). â€Å"It was like this big news. It was kind of like an explosion who would have expected that?† said James. â€Å"This was a phenomenal diplomatic coup, and there is not a simple word that captures the nature of this relationship,’’ (Torry). But, to some, the trip was due to happen. Mary Smith, wife of James Smith believed the visit was a natural correction of hostile relations. â€Å"I wasn’t surprise about this actually. How can you deal with international affairs w ithout the participation of such a big country? I didnt think China as our enemies, we just share different ideology. I was glad Nixon made this move.† said Mary. Nixon’s actions appear to have been well received by most of the press and public. This trip even have led to an increase of the favorability that Americans viewed China. One of the poll held in Minnesota in April 1972 showed that thirty-one percent of people reported their impressions of the mainland China had changed, with twenty-nine percent now responded that they were more favorability inclined toward China than before Nixon’s visit (Kusnitz, 139). In late 1978, Chinas new leader Deng Xiaoping decided to open the country up and take economic reforms. As a business man, James Smith saw the great opportunity behind this act. â€Å"It was like an untapped goldmine, it had a vast pool of cheap labor and a huge consumer market. You can never find a better place to invest.† Not long after, he set up a small clothing factory in Guangzhou, and sold its product to China or back to America. The story that followed is the rapid growth of Chinas economy for three decades, in which the United States played a major role, both as a key trading partner and investor. Now, the former small clothing factory James Smith found has turned into a big company, â€Å"It was like a dream, I never thought I could go this far.† James said. Today, the U.S. and China are locked into a relationship of economic interdependence. For those who lives in America, their perceptions of China have changed dramatically as Chinas economy has grown and the economic relationship between U.S. and China gets closer. â€Å"There was a lot of appreciation of Chinas rising economic role and the opportunities that presented. Now, when you walk into a store, it’s just hard to find something that is not made in China. I cannot imagine what would happen if Nixon didn’t go to China in 1972, maybe our life could be completely different.† Mary said. Conclusion As two of the major powers in the world, every action of United States and China can have great impact on our history and our society. Nixon’s visit to China was the beginning of U.S.-China relations and the turning point of the Cold War, no one can deny the importance of this event in our history. As a matter of fact, this part of history was easily ignored by most people in America, but if there wasn’t this event, the world would be completely different: China might not be the second-largest economy and worlds largest trading nation. America might still face the conflict with the Soviet Union. As for ordinary Americans, without Nixon’s visit that formed the basis of U.S. China economic relations, our life could be inconceivable: When you walk in a market, you just cannot find any product not â€Å"Made in China†, would those things be replaced by goods produced by other countries? Or like the case in the introduction part, people just find an alternative one, and had to live a harder life? We must admit that nowadays, U.S. and China are so interdependent that both countries cannot live without each other. The cooperation under the globalization shaped the main character of U.S.-China relations. It brought prosperity and peace for both countries, which are cannot be acquired by conflicts, wars or confrontation. History is the guidance that lead people towards the future. It can give us a lot of experience to help people solve the problem and make the right decision. Nixon’s visit to China is a very good example, it contributed to the development of international relations and showed people the fact that cooperation is better than confrontation. However, peace usually doesn’t come easy, it need countries and their people to put aside the differences, prejudice, maybe even the hostility that have been accumulated for a long time. The accommodation between the United States and China was not accomplished by only Nixon’s visit, it was reached by a series of negotiation and compromises. As for now, although the Taiwan issue remains a problem between America and China, both countries still work hard to maintain a close relations and work together to create a peaceful world. Peace is one of the most precious things in the world, we should cherish the hard-earned peacetime our ancestors provided, and help to create a better world for the entire world and all of our human beings. Work Cited Adams, Gordon. â€Å"Seven Questions: Can You Live Without China?† Foreignpolicy. Graham Holdings Company. 11 Jul. 2007. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. 1975. Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe: Final Act. Helsinki: Secretary of State for External Affairs. Web. 20 Apr. 2014. â€Å"Dà ©tente and Arms Control, 1969–1979.† Office of the Historian. United States Department of State, n.d. Web. 9 Apr. 2014 Gordon, John Steele. â€Å"Nixon in China.† American. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 3 Mar. 2014. Kusnitz, Leonard A. Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1984. Print. United States of America. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. â€Å"Treaty between the United States Of America and the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems.† U.S. Department of State. 26 May. 1972 Web. 10 Apr. 2014. United States of America. United States State Department. Bureau of Public Affairs. â€Å"Joint Statement Following Discussions with Leaders of the Peoples Republic of China.† Office of the Historian. 27 Feb. 1972. Web. 10 Apr. 2014. United States of America. United States State Department. Bureau of Public Affairs. Memorandum of Conversation. Office of the Historian. 12 Apr. 1971. Web. 20 Apr. 2014.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Five Functions of Management: Advantages and Disadvantages

Five Functions of Management: Advantages and Disadvantages Henri Fayol is widely acknowledged as the earliest pioneer and advocate of the task of management Parker and Ritson, 2005 His management theories were first proposed in the early 1900s. Despite many criticisms, Fayols theories still form the basis of management practices and teachings in the 21st century. Taking some articles for reference, this essay will mainly analyse the advantages and disadvantages of Fayols concept of five functions of management in modern enterprises by some examples. There are about three main parts in this essay beginning with the introduction. And in the main body of this article, based on some academic researches, there are about seven parts discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Fayols concept of five functions of management. A conclusion will be made at last. There is no doubt that Fayol is best known for a three-fold contribution to management theory. Among his contributions, the concept of five functions of management is worth discussing all the time. Fayol identified five key functions of management and these functions of managerial activity are: forecasting and planning, organizing, coordination, command and control. According to Fayol, forecasting involves analyzing the future and drawing a plan of action (Pugh ad Hichson, 2007). And as for organizing, Fayol believed that an organizations structure was important, as it can facilitate the optimum conduct of its business activities (Pugh and Hichson, 2007). According to Pugh and Hichson (2007), in his original writing, Fayol used the term command to illustrate a managers responsibility to lead and direct employees towards the achievement of organizational goals and strategies. About the function of coordination, Fayol made a suggestion that managers should bind together, unify and harm onize all the organizations activities and efforts. In contemporary management practice, this can be explained into that the managers should be responsible for making sure that all the organizational business activities are coordinated to make the employees can unify together within one department or among different departments. The last not the least function of management is control. Fayol recognized the importance of control within an organization and support that it ensures everything occurs in conformity with established rules and expressed command. In the article of Fayol-standing the test of time, McLean (2011) firstly introduced the contents of the five functions of management and stated that in contemporary society, there are some advantages of these functions to development of the enterprises. First, McLean (2011) stated that with the development of globalized knowledge economy, the abilities of forecasting and planning can gain success in the competition. Second, organizing can ask the managers to carry out an appropriate infrastructure, which will optimize the organizations system, resources, procedures, processes and services and enable knowledge to be disseminated to those who need it, when they need it. Third, McLean (2011) also stated that control is one of the most important responsibilities of a manager and under the control of the managers. Under control of the managers, the policies and strategies can be implemented according to plan and within budget, set timescales and allocated resources. Fourth, under the func tion of command, the managers can develop a thorough knowledge of their employees, which can generate a positive psychological contract that engages employees with their jobs and the organization. Whats more, Fayols managerial functions are frequently cited as the inspiration for the contemporary practice of dividing managerial activity (and management textbooks) into the functions of planning, leading, organizing and controlling (Davidson and Griffin, 2000; Lewis, Goodmand and Fandt ,1995). As for the organizing, Fayol believed that an organizations structure was important, as it facilitated the optimum conduct of its business. Whether there are advantages of this concept or not remains an open question, In the article of Fayol-standing the test of time, Miss Jacqueline McLean stated that in contemporary society, organizing can ask the managers to carry out an appropriate infrastructure, which will optimise the organizations system, resources, procedures, processes and services and enable knowledge to be disseminated to those who need it, when they need it. Meanwhile, organizing also can integrate all kinds of resources of the companies, including human resources, financial and material resources. So there are some advantages about the concept. And this concept is also influencing the structure of the companies and most of organizations pay more attention to the building of the organizational structure. The KFCà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’one of the most famous and important fast food chain restaurants, is always paying its attention to the building of the structure all the time. In 2004, with the AIV spreading quickly in Asia, most of the KFC consumers quitted the line of waiting for KFC, never eating chicken. Especially in Vietnam, the most AIV-hit country, KFC business was confronted with a crisis. But KFC then changed its organizational structure, replacing the Fried Chicken with Fried Fish. So, finally it regained a big success. Under the guidance of Fayols concept about the organizing, many organizations know about the importance of the structure and pay attention to building their organizational chart and thus gain success. In fact, the building of the organizational structure should fit the development of the organization. As the saying goes, preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure. So does the development of one organization. According to Fayol, forecasting involves analysis of the future and drawing up a plan of action. About this Fayols concept, some authors viewed that there are some advantages. In the article of Fayol-standing the test of time, McLean (2011) stated that with the development of globalized knowledge economy, the abilities of forecasting and planning can gain success in the competition. In the article of The foundation of Henri Fayols administrative theory, Mr. Wren, Mr. Bedeeian and Mr. Breeze stated that the most important of the means which one must use to ensure business success was planning. To create a business, the founders need capital manpower and time and should have outlets for the products or service. To forecast these needs and providing for them is the main responsible of the managers. So Fayols concept about planning has its own advantages. And i t also improves the development of the companies in contemporary times. Due to the loss of electronic mail, Morgan Stanley paid out more than billions of dollars. But this event is just one tip of the iceberg of the suffering a great number of cost which is caused by the inappropriate information management. Confronted with this problem, British Airway made plan and forecasting and declared its commercial goal: to automate more and more function and try their best to develop customers self-help service system , such as electronic ticket, and even that customers can printed their tickets in their own home. This strategy made British Airway protocol the development lifeline of the companies designedly. Although there are lots of advantages of Fayols concept of the five functions of management, there are some disadvantages of them. As for the forecasting and planning, if a business made a good planning, it will get a great success. If not, there will be a big failure, just as the saying goes Changes always go beyond plans. As McLean (2011) stated in the article of Fayol-standing the test of time that the globalised knowledge economy and the presence of ubiquitous change and competition make forecasting, planning and strategising key managerial activities, forecasting and planning are at the same time the main cause of an organization failure. HP, a big technological products supplier of the world, is always encouraging its employees to go forward to their goals, which are planned by the organization. According to HP official Website, in 2010à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’in accordance with its plan, HP purchased Palm company with the Web-based Operating System to get itself to a higher level. But as a result, the new product with the WebOS could not compete with ipad and was not popular with the consumers. In 2011, HP declared to cease the research of WebOS. So to purchase Palm with a whole $1.2 Billion is really not a wise choice. Many other organizations in the world are also always following the rules of forecasting and planning concept in Fayols management theory, but only a good plan is far from enough in contemporary competitive context. The other disadvantage comes from the function of command and control in Fayols theory. According to Wren, Bedeian and Breeze (2002), the command made by the higher authority and which, be it direct or through successive levels in the organization, should reach all parts of the organization, and the responses should return in the reverse sense, either directly or through the levels, to the central authority. Thus an organization can operate smoothly. But there are also counterviews, who consider that the excessive command and control will harm personal satisfaction and their self-respect. In the article of Fayols 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing todays organizations, Rodrigues stated that if the managers can separate their managerial work from the actual work clearly, they can have energy to focus on the target of the development of their own enterprises and deal with the public relations outside the companies. In the article Henri Fayol as strategie s: a nineteenth century corporate turnaround, Wren stated that due to the hierarchy, the managers can conduct the enterprise toward its objective. The branches of Nokia in China adhere to the principle of the former, the strict command and control. Under this circumstance, the managers cannot handle the managerial work since they have to help employees to deal with lots of trivial problems. After discussion, they changed the operation strategies and set up the system of hierarchical transmission of orders, in which the employees in the lower class should report their work to his/her own managers. Whats more, as McLean (2011) stated, although Fayol had a great contribution to management theory, he has been accused of the romanticism of management and presented an almost unrealizable approach to management theorisation. He gave a clear definition to each of the functions of his management theory and some principles to carry out them, but in concrete circumstances, some of them can not be realized. As Pryor and Taneja (2010) stated that in practically Mintzberg vehemently disagreed when he went on to say that if you observe managers at work you will find what they do is quite different. According to Lamond, Fayol gave us management as we would like it to be and Mintzberg gave us management as it is (Pryor and Taneja, 2010). Therefore, today many managers favour the important role of practice and experience. They think that practice and experience are the only way to get a management qualification. In conclusion, Henri Fayol, as a founding father of what has become known as the administration school of management, made some contributions to the management theories. This essay mainly aimed to discuss some statement about Henri Fayols contributions to management today and criticism of any of his contributions under the topic of Discussion on Advantages and Disadvantages of Fayols Concept of Five Functions of Management in Modern Enterprises and then to learn about the influence of Fayols management theories to the management practices and teachings in the 21st century. It focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of forecasting and planning, the disadvantages of excessive command and control and the impracticability of the theory in the main body by taking some articles for reference. All in all, Fayols theories are valuable and relevant for organizational leaders on the one hand and debatable on the other hand.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

roses :: essays research papers

Change is Memorable When readers read a book that they like, they will remember at least one character in the book for some specific reason. Authors have many different ways to make a character memorable but one of the most common ways that characters become memorable is the way that they change throughout the story. William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Anton Chekhov’s â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog†, and Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"Good Country People† all have main characters that are memorable because of the changes that take place physically and mentally in their respective stories. In the story, â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, William Faulkner creates a mysterious yet respectable character. The changes that Miss Emily experiences in the story make her a memorable character. Faulkner uses symbolism in order to show the changes that take place with Miss Emily. The changes in Miss Emily’s hair can be taken as a symbol for the changes in Miss Emily herself. Before the death of Homer Barron her hair is â€Å"cut short making her look like a girl, with a vague resemblance to those angels in colored church windows.† As the story moves on her hair â€Å"grows grayer and grayer until it attains an even pepper-and-salt iron-gray.† Her hair grows a dull color as Miss Emily turns into a dull person. Her hair, in the beginning, is described as one of an angel, and then described as one you would find on a witch. In the beginning of the story Miss Emily has no bad intentions and later, her fears of being alone lead her to turn evil as she poisons Homer Wagoner 2 Barron. As her hair’s appearance goes from innocent to evil Miss Emily goes from being innocent to evil. Her hair loses its life, foreshadowing the future of Miss Emily. Another memorable character is that of the womanizer Dmitri Gurov in â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog.† Gurov is the protagonist in â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog† and the readers get to view the changes of a man who has fallen in love but then is forced to examine the way that he looks at the world. Gurov is memorable because the things that he does and says on the surface are not the way Gurov actually feels about the world. Although he looks down upon women and refers to them as "the inferior race," Gurov furtively admits that he feels more relaxed with them than he does with men.